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Are you currently having problems with your book? Chances are you are caught between opting to republish your book or update it.

The good news is that there are ways of easily correcting your book mistakes. You can either republish it or update it. With these methods, you can easily address mistakes and eventually increase your book sales in no time.

But first, you need to understand the process of republishing a book. Which is your best option? In what situation would you use it? These two methods are different from each other so you must know which is the better option for you.

When you update a book, you can change your current listing without losing your ISBN, ASIN, and book landing page. On another note, when you publish a book, it is similar to the concept of creating a new book. It comes with a new ISBN, ASIN, and book landing page.

However, there are significant differences between the two, as well as certain additional steps writers may take to optimize the benefits of an update or republish that you should be aware of. So, let's delve a little further.

Updating a Book

It is simple to update a book. At any moment, you may upload a fresh manuscript or a new book cover, as well as change some of the metadata.

The good news is that your reviews will not be lost; you will still have the same book landing page with the same ISBN and ASIN. This implies that any links to your book will still work for the new version.

Updating a book is handy for correcting minor errors, making minor changes to your information, and even changing the cover of your book. Let's go over each of the instances in which you should update your book.

For minor adjustments: any changes you make to your book that you would consider "minor" are a valid cause to simply update it. These include, but are not limited to, typos in your work, minor updates to keep a nonfiction book up to date, and the other minor modifications described below.

When you already have a lot of reviews: If you have a lot of reviews for your book, republishing may cause you to lose those reviews. This isn't always the case (see below for information on how to move those previous reviews to the new book), but the danger remains significant. If you don't want to lose your reviews, consider updating instead of republishing.

To submit a new cover: The cover of a book can often be the most problematic aspect of it. Many authors have simply switched to a more genre-appropriate cover and watched their revenues surge. Amazon will allow you to do this with a simple update, so you won't have to republish your book in most circumstances.

To alter your categories/keywords: While not all of your metadata can be changed, keywords and categories are an excellent method to boost your sales after the launch. In fact, I might even propose switching out keywords and categories every now and again, keeping track of your statistics, and determining what works best for you. Although you can accomplish this using free guidelines, products like Publisher Rocket will save you a TON of time.

What is Republishing a Book?

The majority of individuals who republish a new book do so because they are releasing a new edition, totally rewriting the book, rebranding and relaunching on a large scale, or otherwise beginning from scratch.

While there are some disadvantages to republishing about, there are also many benefits. Let's go over the many scenarios in which you could decide to reissue a book.

When altering the print format: Any print book published through KDP has preset formats that you cannot modify once the book has been published. This includes trim size, paper color, and whether your book is in color or black-and-white. If you wish to modify any of these (for example, to save money by switching from color to black and white), you must do so.

When making big changes: if you make important changes to your book, it is best to republish that update. In fact, if the changes are too significant, Amazon may refuse to allow you to upgrade. They may insist on publishing the book in a fresh edition.

When altering the title/subtitle/author name: While the e-book has considerable flexibility with these data, changing these is typically not a smart idea. If you want to modify the title or even the subtitle of a book, you will almost certainly need to reprint it fully.

A massive relaunch: one of the main benefits of republishing a book is that you get that desired "honeymoon period," when Amazon offers new books slightly preferential treatment (you can read more about that here). After a few books, you may have developed certain abilities, and a complete relaunch may be a terrific opportunity to use those talents in ways you didn't know how to use when you first released the book.

So Which One Should You Choose?

It's easy to become focused on the flaws of previous novels, then spend all our time attempting to correct them.

Instead, as writers, we should constantly remember that the best thing we can do is write. Never lose sight of the end aim.

Obsessing over past work will not help us develop our writing talents as much as producing something new would.

So, while republishing is a terrific strategy for some, I only encourage it for those who can clearly gain from it. However, it should be easy pickings. Otherwise, it may be preferable to perform a modest update before moving on to the next job.

To summarize, never let any of this deter you from writing.

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